Beer boxes delivered straight to your door. Life is too short to drink the same beer over and over again. Rather than buying your beers in the supermarket, get your beers delivered straight to your home with these beer subscriptions. Beer boxes are getting more and more popular, but with a wide variety of differentRead more ⟶
Author: Yentl Bresseleers
AB Inbev launches “Victoria” a strong blonde beer as an alternative to Duvel.
Victoria is launched on the market as a new, strong blond beer. With 8.5% alcohol fermented in the bottle, the beer holds similarities the popular strong blonde beer Duvel. In the launch communication AB Inbev isn’t shy about admitting that they’re using this beer to take on Duvel. Victoria is the name of the newRead more ⟶
Belgian Beers UK launches live chat
At Belgian Beers UK, we understand that providing the best possible customer service is of utmost importance. We want to make sure that you can reach out and connect to us instantly, which is why we are launching our live chat functionality on the site. If you have any questions or feedback, don’t hesitate toRead more ⟶
Brewers around Bruges create a beer discover box
A beer discover box, with beers from around Bruges. These are very difficult times for bars and restaurants, as well as for small-scale craft brewers. 6 local breweries around Bruges are now working together and have created a beer Discover Box. The brewers initiative goes by fitting name “Brewers around Bruges“. In the beer DiscoverRead more ⟶
Brewery Huyghe (Delirium) uses rainwater to brew beer
The Huyghe brewery, most well-known for it’s flagship beer Delirium, is now using rainwater as one of the ingredients to brew it’s beers. The rainwater is collected and purified before being used in the beers During the COVID-19 lockdown, the brewer has seen a reduced demand but that didn’t stop them from investing in theRead more ⟶
How to drink Westvleteren 12?
Foam or no foam? Drink fresh or age it? Every beer has it’s own serving temperature, it’s own storage advise and it’s own way to drink. The Westvleteren 12 is no different. Due to the rarity of the beer, you might want to double-check how you should store, serve and drink it so you canRead more ⟶
The Pink Elephant beer: Delirium Tremens
What is that beer with the pink elephant on it? Maybe you’ve seen the beer glass with the pink elephant? The pink elephant belongs to the Delirium and is one of the most recognisable beer brands within Belgium. There’s a wide different varieties that are using the pink elephant on the beer bottles, such asRead more ⟶
The difference between Belgium and UK drinking cultures
Let’s face it, both the British and the Belgians love a good beer, after a hard day at work, together with dinner, during the weekend,… a lot of opportunities for a beer. However, there are some substantial differences between the drinking culture of the two countries. When do British and Belgians drink? An interesting observationRead more ⟶
What is the percentage alcohol of the Belgian Kwak beer?
“Be careful, Kwak is a 8.4 percent strong Belgian blonde” Kwak (or Pauwel Kwak), the Belgian beer that is served in a very peculiar glass and even comes with a wooden stand is a strong Belgian Blonde beer. It is one of the strangest looking glasses within the Belgian beer scene, however, the beer doesn’tRead more ⟶
Why is Kwak beer served in this unique glass?
You might have noticed, if you order a kwak beer this is hopefully served in the traditional Kwak glass and stand. In Belgium, pretty much every single beer has it’s own unique glass, going from the lager which are simply branded glasses all the way down to the Trappist beers which have completely unique glasses.Read more ⟶
All Belgian Trappist Breweries on the map 2020
If you’re planning a trip to Belgium, you should definitely try to visit some of the famous Belgian Trappist Breweries, you can see all of them on the map below. Please do check with each of the breweries beforehand as not all of them might be doing brewery tours. There are currently 6 Belgian TrappistRead more ⟶